26 February 1934

From Fischer Diaries


Monday We helped to wash.
Then we went to town to
see the big wreck on the
Pennsylvania Railroad. 3 men
got killed. The engine ran
off the track and fell over.
This was a cold day.
It was to cold to work
outdoors. 14 below zero.

Diary Entry?

Monday We helped to wash
Then we went to town to
see the big reck on the
Pensey Railroad 3 Men
got Killd the engine ran
of the track and fell over
This was a cold day
It was to cold to work out
doors. 14 below zero


The accident he's referring to is when the Pennsylvania Railroad express, the Fort Dearborn, hit a semi-truck on Main Street in Delphos. The engineman, fireman and truck driver were killed. [Summary of Accident Investigation Reports #59]

World Events?


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Diary Entry for 26 February 1934