16 April 1934

From Fischer Diaries


Monday We helped to wash.
Then we rang our sows, then
we trimmed our pigs. Afternoon
we cut some end posts from
John Wegesin's woods. We helped
to clean the house. Evening I
went to town to meet an oil
man from the Boswell Oil Co.
Then I went to K. of C. meeting. Then
I went to the minstrel show.

Diary Entry?

Monday we helped to wash
then we rang our Sowes then
we trimed our Pigs Afternoon
we cut some End Posts from
John Wegesin woods we helped
to Clean house Evening I
was to town to meet an Oil
man form the Bosswel Oil Co
then I was to K. C. meting then
I whent to the Minstreal Show


World Events?


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Diary Entry for 16 April 1934