2 April 1934

From Fischer Diaries


Monday we helped to
wash, then we fixed fence
by our woods. Afternoon
went to town to get some
kerosene and oil. 50 gallons
of kerosene, 5 gal of transmission?
oil $6.50, 2 gallons of motor
oil $1.08, and 40 rods of fence
0.45¢ per rod. Fine day.

Diary Entry?

Monday we helped to
wash then we fixed fense
by our woods. Afternoon
was to town to get some
Kerosine and Oil 50 gallon
of Kerosine 5 gal of transmiss
Oil $6.50 and 2 gallon of motor
Oil $1.08 and 40 rods of fense
.45¢ Per rod fine day.


World Events?


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Diary Entry for 2 April 1934